Skills Development Solutions offers the following services relating to Organisational Competency Mapping:
When dealing with a new organisation, we will analyse the organisational structure and the various jobs within it. If required we will assist the company with the development of occupational profiles for the jobs within the organisation.
As part of this process, SDS identifies competencies required to perform each job efficiently, safely and within the required quality standards.
The next step in the process is to identify qualifications, skills programmes and courses that aligns to each job.
We then develop learning pathways that will enable career progression and personal development plans for employees within the company. Learning pathways are also used to interpret National Qualifications into a crawl, walk, run sequence of learning. This process is essential for employee personal development planning and multi-skilling opportunities where learning pathways overlap.
Skills Development Solutions is also able to propose a learning strategy, modes of learning and technology which will facilitate the implementation of your learning pathways.

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