Authoring includes the development of new courses as well as the digitisation of existing learning materials.
Using the latest technologies, Skills Development Solutions creates beautiful, inherently responsive e-learning courses, enhancing your learner's experience.
The look and feel of each course will match your brand and corporate identity, with unique lessons that look gorgeous on every device; in every orientation. 
Bespoke courses can be built from scratch using your content experts. Alternatively, we can digitise your existing learning material. We offer a number of presentation options such as text, statements, quotes, and list blocks. Add graphics, processes, timelines, and accordion blocks to tell your story. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
We also offer pre-built business content. There is an extensive collection of modular, fully customisable lessons on business topics that can be combined with your own content to develop your courses faster.
Assessments can be added directly into the courses. Multiple choice, multiple response, fill-in-the-blank, and matching questions allow you to build formative and summative assessment instruments directly into your courses; plus feedback for each question can be customised and learners receive their assessment results immediately.
You are able to analyse the impact your e-learning by viewing which training materials learners have be accessed; the time they have spent learning and the lessons they’ve completed.​​​​​​​
At SDS, our aim is to author e-learning that offers interactive activities, multimedia and quizzes, that keep your learners interested and engaged​​​​​​​.
E-Learning Samples

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